IntegratE the UCEW into Your Course

Implementing strategies for success into your courses is a great way to encourage students to hone their writing skills at the University Center for Excellence in Writing (UCEW). At the UCEW, we welcome students from all FAU academic levels, majors, and disciplines. We encourage faculty to take advantage of the free writing support offered to all FAU students for course success! If you are interested in developing your course to integrate UCEW support into your own classes, please contact Dr. Sipai Klein, the UCEW Director, at

Below are two sample assignments that can be used to encourage students to take advantage of our writing support services at the UCEW.

Assignment #1 RequirE a Writing Center Appointment

Sample Language

In addition to completing your peer review with your peer for the first draft of each of your essays, you will be required to attend a writing consultation session at the UCEW. The UCEW is an excellent opportunity to develop your writing skills through one-on-one sessions with a trained consultant. While this is a requirement, you will find that you can use the UCEW as a resource for any of your writing assignments both in this class and in other classes.

To receive credit, you must attend a session before the deadline of each essay's first draft assignment. Request a digital copy of your client report form be sent to both you and your instructor.

Assignment #2 offer Extra Credit for a writing center Appointment

Sample Language

This assignment is worth 5 points of extra credit toward your final draft paper grade.If you missed a peer review session, you can also use this to replace one of your peer review grades.

You must follow all of the steps in order to receive this extra credit.

Getting Started

The University Center for Excellence in Writing (UCEW) supports and promotes writing for all members of the FAU community -- undergraduate and graduate students, staff, faculty and visiting scholars.The center's consultants are informed and sensitive readers who help writers become more reflective readers and more self-sufficient crafters of their written work. Consultants help writers at any point in the writing process (i.e., brainstorming, drafting, revising) and with papers for courses, senior or master theses, dissertations, job applications, applications for graduate school, articles for publication, grant proposals and other documents. 

To book an appointment either live, online, or in person, please visit their website at


  1. Take your first draft to the UCEW by scheduling a live, online or in-person session appointment.
    Note: You are not required to bring a completed draft to the session. You may also use the extra credit for brainstorming, outlining, or revising. However, you must complete a session with the UCEW to receive extra credit.
  2. Review the feedback from your consultant and make the appropriate revisions to your existing draft or complete the appropriate procedures provided by your consultant to draft your piece.
  3. Your initial draft or revised draft must be uploaded with the following items:
    a. A copy of the client report form that includes your session notes and feedback.
    b. A brief reflection of your discussion with your tutor, what you chose to revise or not revise, and why. This reflection is important to understand your process as a writer.